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Port Services & Facilities

Storage Facilities

Biport Bulkers installation currently has a total of 85 storage tanks of various capacities as follows:

 650 1,000 2,000 2,600 TOTAL
Uncoated 2 4 7 3 16
Total capacity (MT) 1,300 4,000 14,000 7,800 27,100
Coated 12 35 16 69
Total capacity (MT) 3,900  12,000  70,000  41,600  127,500 
Grand Total in Units  8 16 42 19 85
Grand Total Capacity (MT) 5,200  16,000 84,000 49,400 154,600

Storage Tanks Accessories

BBSB’s storage tanks consisted of uncoated tank for storage of crude and acid oil and epoxy coated tanks for the storage of refined products. All the tanks are equipped and installed with the necessary accessories as follows:

  1. Tank Gauging System
  2. Stirrer
  3. Steam coils (bottom and side)
  4. Dedicated piping to pump house

Bulking Facilities

With the completion of Phase 4 Project in October 2014, BBSB had 10 number of 250mm bulking pipelines from refineries connected via its interchanges and 13 number of 250mm export pipelines from its terminal to palm oil jetty.

Steam Boilers

BBSB has 2 steam boilers as a heating media for the palm oil product that requires heating.